Ridiculously random motorcycle tour
Tbe Wandering Jew
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Most Recent Articles

Peter Farago – An American Immigrant's Story

Remembrance of Things Past

Pet Peeves Revealed!

Free the Nipple!

Interlopers Are Us (Knoxville, Tennessee)

Art for Art’s Sake (Cincinnati, Ohio)

Knock Knock Knockin’ on Knoxville’s Door


No Escape from Reality (Austin, Texas)

Jeep Trick (Townsend, Tennessee)

Hurray for (Dollywood, Tennessee)

Not for Sail (Townsend, Tennessee)

The Flu Fighters (Ferguson, Kentucky)

Inn Disposed (Indianapolis, OH)

The Truth About Baruth (Mid-Ohio)

Almost Heaven? (Charleston, West Virginia)

More Words About Buildings and Food (Fayetteville, West Virginia)

Life Is A Box of Chocolates (Lexington, Virginia)

One Man's Ceiling Is Another Man's Floor (Fredericksburg, VA)

Let’s Make Farago Great Again (Sturbridge Massachusetts)

American Food Sucks (Franklin, Massachusetts)

The Trump Assassination Attempt Was a Conspiracy

The Loneliness of the Long Distance Motorcyclist

The Mount Washington Auto Road is Not For Pussies

Small Town, Big History (Gorham, New Hampshire)

Stone Cold Sober (Vinalhaven, Maine)

Ambushed! (Boston, Massachusetts)

Happy Independence Day! (Monticello, New York)

Aaron Burr Schemed Here (Parkersburg, West Virginia)

The Ghosts of Slavery (Lexington, Kentucky)

Daniel Boone Was A Man (Lexington, Kentucky)

Tessa and Lee

Any Volunteers? (Knoxville, Tennessee)

The Bikeriders - Movie Review

Are We Having Fun Yet?

America is Not a Democracy

Oh Brother Where Art Thou? (Boone, North Carolina)

Pornhub Is Doing the Lord's Work!

Juneteenth Sit-In (Greensboro, North Carolina)

When Life Throws You Curves...

A Shot to the Heart in Knoxville

The Tail of the Dragon Is No Fun (Deal’s Gap, Tennessee)

Hunter Biden Is Joe Biden's Son

Nashville is Austin (Nashville, Tennessee)

Housekeeping - The Wandering Jew Status Report

The Rice and Duck Capital of America (Stuttgart, Arkansas)

Hot Time in Hot Springs, Arkansas

What’s Old is New (Branson Missouri)

Is James Bond Gay?

The Grateful Dead (Eureka Springs, Arkansas)

The Truth about Us...
TTAE (The Truth About Everything) was started with the thought that all things truly do tie together, in a manner of speaking.
Rarely, it seems, are the thoughts that contend with the mainstream agenda prominently placed or even written anymore, and we wanted to fix that.
Hence, we created a catch-all environment that thrives on free speech, outside perspective, and healthy debate. After all, isn't that how we got here? Wanting to learn new things?
We think so, but don't take our word for it, take yours instead! If you feel compelled to write about, well, anything, make sure to reach out to our Editor In Chief, Robert Farago by clicking the button below and sending him a message.
He'd love to hear from you!